วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554


TRX MMA WORKOUT. Tube. Duration : 3.97 Mins.

To get full workout details go to www.funkmma.com Funk worded with Mark, TRX Thailand trainer who has trained MMA and UFC Fighters from all over the world. Check out this intro and go to http for ongoing TRX workouts from Mark A. Mariani Tiger Muay Thai & MMA Training Camp, Phuket Thailand, introduces TRX suspension training. Mark Mariani, TRX certified trainer, has integrated functional TRX exercises that are directly related to Muay Thai kickboxing and MMA into his training. The TRX is by far the most versatile piece of exercise equipment out there. "The TRX was designed by a Navy SEAL as a go-anywhere workout, the TRX Suspension Professional Trainer is a complete total-body training tool that helps athletes, military personnel, and fitness pros around the world take their performance to the next level. The TRX Suspension Professional Trainer is built around a set of nylon straps that create resistance from two sources always at your disposal: your body weight and gravity. Simply lock the straps to any elevated fixture--such as a pull-up bar, door, or tree branch--and you'll unlock new dimensions in your training." "The TRX Suspension Professional Trainer uses your body weight to create resistance. The trainer offers a host of valuable benefits: it's easy to set up and highly portable, with a compact, lightweight design that works at home or on the go. If the gym isn't your thing or you want to work out in the privacy of your home, backyard, or hotel, this practical ...

Keywords: trx workout, trx thailand, mma workout, funkmma, funk roberts, mark mariani, strength and conditioning, tiger muay thai, marcroops

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